TOKYO SUPER is a household name synonymous with quality and trust. Starting from TOKYO SUPER OPC, the most popular cement brand in Sri Lanka to TOKYO SUPER BHC, the greenest cement in the market, TOKYO SUPER has carved a distinctive niche in the industry as the game changer who exceeds expectations.
In addition to the superior quality cement brands, TOKYO SUPER is also the star behind a portfolio of innovative solutions for tiling, plastering, waterproofing and flooring.
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Blended Hydraulic Cement
TOKYO SUPER is a Blended Hydraulic Cement that proudly boasts the highest 100 day strength, corrosion protection that shields reinforcement from decay, suitable for building in marshy, marine and flooding conditions. TOKYO SUPER BHC is it the Greenest Cement in the market with the lowest carbon footprint.
TOKYO SUPER BHC is produced to conform to SLS 1247:2015 Strength Class 42.5 R standard specification. This cement is highly resistant to chemical attacks and suitable for concreting and mortar in marine sulphate containing soil environments. The cement is a low heat cement and can be used for mass scale concreting.

Ordinary Portland Cement
TOKYO SUPER brand Ordinary Portland Cement is a general purpose cement which can be used in the production of all types of concrete used in structural and non-structural applications. TOKYO SUPER OPC meets the stringent quality requirement specified by Sri Lanka Standard SLS 107:2015 Strength Class 42.5 R for Ordinary Portland Cement.
Typical applications of TOKYO SUPER OPC include concrete slabs, driveways, mortars for brick and block work.
TOKYO SUPER OPC is compatible with most of the admixtures complying with BS EN and ASTM standards.
Recommended Usage

Recommended Usage

Blended Hydraulic Cement
TOKYO SUPER is a Blended Hydraulic Cement that proudly boasts the highest 100 day strength, corrosion protection that shields reinforcement from decay, suitable for building in marshy, marine and flooding conditions. TOKYO SUPER BHC is it the Greenest Cement in the market with the lowest carbon footprint.
TOKYO SUPER BHC is produced to conform to SLS 1247:2015 Strength Class 42.5 R standard specification. This cement is highly resistant to chemical attacks and suitable for concreting and mortar in marine sulphate containing soil environments. The cement is a low heat cement and can be used for mass scale concreting.
Recommended Usage

Ordinary Portland Cement
TOKYO SUPER brand Ordinary Portland Cement is a general purpose cement which can be used in the production of all types of concrete used in structural and non-structural applications. TOKYO SUPER OPC meets the stringent quality requirement specified by Sri Lanka Standard SLS 107:2015 Strength Class 42.5 R for Ordinary Portland Cement.
Typical applications of TOKYO SUPER OPC include concrete slabs, driveways, mortars for brick and block work.
TOKYO SUPER OPC is compatible with most of the admixtures complying with BS EN and ASTM standards.
Recommended Usage