TOKYO SUPERSET SCREED MORTAR is a mix of cement with filler and fiber. It is a ready to use mortar requiring only the addition of water. It can be used for interior and horizontal concrete slabs, balconies, side walks, parking decks and ramps.
The recommended thickness is 5-20mm and product coverage is 15 sq.ft with 12.5mm thickness per 25kg. Sudden drying after laying Superscreed will result in shrinkage cracks. Excess water will result in lower strength.
Recommended Usage

Application Method

Pour 3.25-3.5 litres of clean water into a bucket.

Empty the entire 25kg bag of TOKYO SUPERSCREED SCREED MORTAR gradually into the same bucket while mixing using a stirrer (rpm <500).

Mix thoroughly for 3 min into a smooth, workable paste.

Allow the mixture to soak for 2 minutes.

Then mix it again for 2 minutes and apply.(DO NOT ADD any other material such as sand as it shall result in disproportion of mortar mass.)

Use the screed mix within 1 hour after mixing.

Make the surface rough and clean the duct by a vacuum cleaner.

Apply a suitable primer/bonding agent immediately before laying the screed.

Pour the bucket of TOKYO SUPERSCREED SCREED MORTAR on the surface.

Apply using a mason’s trowel or finishing trowel.

Use the straight edge & wooden float to level the surface.

Recommended bedding thickness for the screed is upto 40mm (for bonded screed).

Spray with water for approximately 2 - 3 days after initial hardening of the mortar.
Other Notes

Allow a gap of about 5 - 10 mm between the screed and wall. Insert a rigid foam sheet between the screef and wall.

If applying a steel mesh (for high thickness), place the steel mesh in mid-point of the screed.

Cover the fresh screed layer using polythene sheets to prevent exposure to direct sunligh or wind, in order to prevent plastic shrinkage cracks due to evaporation.