TOKYO SUPERSEAL 1K WATER PROOFER is a single-component water proofing solution to stop the reek of dampness and ruined walls, slabs and flooring. It is highly resistant to standing water, making it ideal for sealing your external walls, bathrooms and kitchens. TOKYO SUPERSEALis suited for interior applications, be it a vertical, horizontal or overhead surface that requires waterproofing.
Recommended Usage

Application Method

Pour 6.5-7 liters of clean water (room temperature) into bucket.

Empty the entire 25kg bag of TOKYO SUPERSEAL 1K Waterproofer gradually into the same bucket while mixing usinga stirrer (rpm <500).

Mix continuously for 5 minutes(500 rpm) to achieve a smooth paint like mixture.Mix for 2 moreminutes ifrequired.

Only prepare a volume whichcan be applied within 1hour

Clean and remove all loose materials, oil, grease and other impurities on the surface.

You may clean the surface with water but ensure it is completely dry before applying the waterproofer.

Use a brush to apply the mix.

Apply the 1st coat with a brush horizontally,to cover the entire area and let it dry for 2 hours.

Once the 1st coat is completely dry, apply the 2nd coat in vertical direction.

Maintain a minimum of 3mm of total thickness.

Air curing sufficient. Do not cure the surface using water until the 2nd coat is completely dry.
Other Notes

Recently laid concrete or screed surfaces shouldbe left to set for a minimum of 3 weeks before applying Tokyo Superseal 1K Waterproofer.

If the temperature is over 28°C, spray water on the surface to bring down the temperature and wait for the surface to completely dry.

Protect the applied area from rain, direct sunlight and wind during the application time and after the application is completed(for one day).

For lasting results, apply a protective layer to prevent damage to the waterproofing layer. i.e. screed, plaster, paint or tiles.

For watertanks / swimming pools maintain a 5mm thickness of Tokyo Superseal 1K Waterproofer.

For edges use a Fibre Glass (Alkaline resistant) or Polypropylene Net (maintain width: 200mm) as a reinforcement.