Years ago, we made a promise to do everything in our power to change our country ‘from the concrete jungle to a greener world’. And in keeping up with this promise, we set forth on a journey made up of many small steps, that take us and our future generations towards a greener, healthier, and sustainable tomorrow.
Marking an important milestone in this journey, in 2017 we partnered the Forest Department of Sri Lanka, to set up two forest nurseries; one at our Trincomalee Factory and another at the Mahiyangana power plant premises. Under this project, each nursery will produce 10,000 native forest tree plants per year, to be planted island wide as part of the Department of Forest Conservation’s National Reforestation Programs.
The project aims to conserve valuable indigenous trees with medicinal properties such as, Karanda, Mee, Ingini etc. both as to replenish our natural forest cover while educating future generations of our rich biodiversity. The grown plants will also be used in Urban Forestry Programs carried out by provincial governments to create healthy living environments in cities for urban dwellers.